How to Write a News Story
1. Writing a news story can be intimidating, especially when you’re first starting out in the business of journalistic writing. Where do you begin? How do your phrase your sentences? How do you conduct interviews? There are lot of of do's and don’ts in journalism. But, when it comes to actually crafting a story, you need to focus on the task at hand. Rather than worrying about what you might be doing wrong, you need to focus on what you should be doing right.
Table of Contents
2. Table of contents may be as fols:
A. Choose a recent event.
B. Conduct timely interviews with witnesses.
C. Establish 'Who', 'What', 'When' and 'Where' and 'Why'.
D. Compile Facts.
E. Construct your writing.
F. Research facts.
G. Read your article again and again.
Choose a Recent Event
3. A recent story is anything happening in your society or community that might interest readers. It should be unique, active and impactful. For ex, covering a business isn’t particularly newsworthy, especially if it’s always been there. But covering a new business in the area is absolutely newsworthy and will bring the coy to the attn of your readers.
Conduct Timely Interviews
4. The hardest part about writing a news story is getting interviews with the right people. If there was a robbery at a local grocery store, you’d need to talk to the store manager and if possible, the cashier or employee involved.
Estb 'Who', 'What', 'When' and 'Where', 'How' and 'Why'
6. Within your first para, you need to estb the 'who', 'what', 'when', why and 'where' of your writing article.
Who - Who was involved?
What - What happened?
Where - Where did it happen?
Why - Why did it happen?
When - When did it happen?
How - How did it happen?
Compile Facts
7. Once you can clearly answer the above, jot down a list of all the pertinent facts and info that needs to be incl in the article. Org your facts into three groups:
A. Those that need to be incl in the article.
B. Those that are interesting but not vital.
C. Those that are related but not imp to the purpose of the article.
Construct Your Writing
8. Now that you have the materials that you need to continue, start putting your piece together.
Research Facts
9. When your story is nearly done, ut Google and find addl interesting facts that will make your writing stand out from the others. Remember, you will nearly always be competing with another news source and you’ll both be trying to feed your info to the same audience.
Read Your Article Again and Again
10. It helps with sentence structure, phrasing and the overall flow of your story.
11. Writing a news article is different from writing other articles or informative pieces because news articles present info in a specific way. It's imp to be able to convey all the relevant info in a ltd word count and give the facts to your target audience concisely. Knowing how to write a news article can help a career in journalism, dev your writing skills and help you convey info clearly and concisely.
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Major (R) Md. Lutful Huda
Editor In Chief
Crime And Justice
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