1. Report writing is an essential skill in many disciplines. You should dev eff report writing skills at university because it’s most likely you’ll be writing reports in the workplace. A report is formal written docu used to provide concise info on a specific subj. It can be used to communicate the results of an experiment, inform on the progress of a project or to make recommendations. An eff report is an accurate presentation of info. It should be obj, concise and structured to guide the reader through the main points. The sections contained in a report will depend on the report type and specific task requirements. It’s your responsibility to find out what to incl in your report. A basic report could incl the fol secs:
Preliminary Parts
2. Title Page and Ack. The Title page should incl the title of the report, who it was commissioned by (or for the purposes of university - your lecturer, course code, and student number) and the date.
3. Exec Summary or Abstract. The Abstract or Exec Summary provides a summary of the main points of the report. It briefly covers the aims, objs, research methods and the findings of the report. It also identifies what action is required. Although the abstract is located at the beginning of the report, it is usually written last as it is a summary of the whole report.
4. Table of Contents. The Table of Contents shows the structure of the report.
Body of the Report
5. Introduction. Capture the reader’s attn! State the aims and objs of the report, the problem or situation that prompted the report and identify what the report intends to achieve. You should also incl definitions, research methods and background history if needed.
6. Methodology. The Methodology explains what you did and how you did it. It could be the materials used in an experiment, the subjs involved in a svy or the steps you took in a project.
7. Results or Findings. This is where you present the findings from your experiment, svy or research project.
8. Discussion. This is where the facts or evidence are presented and discussed.
9. Concl. Provide implications from the content of the report.
10. Recoms. Describe a clear course of action. The recoms should demonstrate your professional competence in a specific situation and be clearly aligned with your concls.
Supplementary Parts
11. Refs. This is where you ack all the sources used in the report.
12. Appendices. The Appendices contains addl graphical, statistical or other supplementary material. Each item should be clearly labelled and referred to in the report.
13. Writing a report can be a long, daunting process. Fortunately, if you take it one step at a time and plan as you go, writing a report can be an enjoyable learning experience. Reports generally involve presenting your investigation and analysis of info or an issue, recommending actions and making proposals.
14. There are many different types of reports, including business, scientific and research reports, but the basic steps for writing them are the same. These may be as fols:
Step 1: Decide on the 'Terms of Ref'.
Step 2: Decide on the Procedure.
Step 3: Find the Info.
Step 4: Decide on the Structure.
Step 5: Draft the First Part of Your Report.
Step 6: Analyse Your Findings and Draw Concls.
Step 7: Make Recoms.
Step 8: Draft the Exec Summary and Table of Contents.
Step 9: Compile a Ref List.
Step 10: Revise Your Draft Report.
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