Age and Crime - Crime & Justice Journal
Age and Crime
1. The age-crime curve, increasing to a peak in the teenage years and then decreasing, is well-known. Less well-known is that it seems to reflect variations in prevalence (the proportion of persons who are offenders) rather than incidence (the rate of offending by offenders). Age-crime curves for individuals do not resemble the aggregate curve since incidence does not change consistently between the onset and the termination of criminal careers. This has major implications for criminal justice policy since the greatest residual length of criminal careers, and hence the greatest potential incapacitative effect, may be between ages thirty and forty, not at the peak age. Different types of offenses peak at different ages; this probably reflects crime switching rather than the replacement of one group of offenders by another. There is little specialization in offending, but specialization does increase with age. Age effects need to be separated from period and cohort effects. The age-crime curve probably reflects decreasing parental controls, a peaking of peer influence in the teenage years, and then increasing family and community controls with age.
Crime ans Justice
2. The Journal of 'Crime and Justice' is an international journal intended to fill the present need for the dissemination of new information, ideas and methods, to both practitioners and academicians in the crime and justice area. The Journal is concerned with all aspects of the 'Crime and Justice' in terms of informing and reporting the concern authority with relevant facts and figures of any happenings/ incidents which is against the law of the country. The core intention is to help the Govt as well as poor and helpless people to prevent crime and ensure justice.
3. The Journal of 'Crime & Justice', the official journal of Bangladesh aims to reflect the current concerns and latest research of Criminology and Criminal Justice scholars and advance discussion of these issues. The scope of the Journal is broad, encompassing a wide array of criminology and criminal justice as well as crime and justice topics and issues. Some of these concerns include items pertaining to the social control, why people do or do not commit crime, issues pertaining to the justice system evaluation, research, and policy development and implementation.
Strengthening Framework
7. Through the gathering of expertise and its ability for consensus-building on the basis of data and evidence, the 'Crime and Justice' Journal shall consistently strengthen the framework related to countering the destabilising effects of organized crime, corruption, violence, smuggling of migrants, trafficking of human beings, drugs and firearms, illicit financial flows, cybercrime, terrorism and piracy in order to assist all in strengthening the foundations for sustainable development in our planet.
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Md. Lutful Huda
Editor In Chief
Crime And Justice
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