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1. It is anticipated that the revolutionary move by the present government to digitalise Bangladesh will significantly accelerate improvements in this sector. This change of outlook towards information technology is bringing ease, independence, growth and improvement in our Bangladeshi lives. But amidst this hope for a new future, a growing threat lurks in the dark – the world of cybercrime. Cybercrime is an obscure word for most remote users of information technology (IT). This is as true in Bangladesh as it is in the rest of the developed nations. This is however a major concern for people involved in IT.

Victims of Cybercrime

2. Aware of the threat or not, everyday millions of users are being helpless victims of cybercrime. But this is not anything new as far as crimes are concerned; only the form has changed. When technology is utilised to steal or corrupt information, employed for deception or blackmail, or for any conventional felony for that matter, it is termed as cybercrime. Rather than stealing money directly in real life, cyber criminals hack into servers of banks, using computers or mobile phones, and transfer large amount of money to other accounts. Instead of stealing files from offices, they break into computers and take away invaluable information. Introducing virus to an external computer to wipe out memory is an offence, just like arson. Essentially the crimes as similar, only the forms are different.

Causes of Crime

3. This crime is often committed by amateurs, rather playfully; some are known to have been executed out of rivalry, jealousy and also for monetary benefits. The cases which have been made public in Bangladesh were mostly done by a breed of non-professionals for whom hacking/cracking is a mere pastime. In the last two years, there have been major cases of cybercrimes in reputed organisations involved in the field of IT but remained hidden from the public eye to maintain the positive image of the organisations; customers of the concerned institutions were also left in the dark.


4. The threat is evident. The patterns observed in Bangladesh have also been seen elsewhere in their initial stage, where cybercrime is now a major threat to commerce and living. Everyday remote users are falling prey to virus attacks, fraud, transfer and corruption of information and other malices. Considering the social and associated damage, the loss is immense. Needless to say, only cases with considerable effect to the economy, financial transactions and politics have come under the limelight.

Latest Tech

5. In Bangladesh, quite a number of cybercrime have come under public attention in the last few years. The law enforcing agencies must be equipped with the latest technology necessary for fighting crimes related to information technology; the government must also impart academic knowledge during training of officers of law enforcement. There must be cooperation with international volunteer organisations and other experts of this field to gain expertise in the battle against cybercrime. Unless necessary steps are not taken now, it will prove impossible to try cybercrime in the court of law.

Digital Bangladesh

6. The concept of a Digital Bangladesh is welcomed by the IT professionals and the general mass. To fuel this notion, the Government must give due importance to the matter of cybercrime. To make this a success the Ministry of Information Technology, along with the IT professionals and the media must come forward.


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Md. Lutful Huda
Editor In Chief
Crime And Justice

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