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1. Authors are encouraged to submit original manuscripts online, which are not presently under consideration at another journal, in a format defined by the author guidelines. Submitted manuscripts are pre-screened by plagiarism detection software both before and after blind peer review, prior to acceptance. The journal allows the author to track and participate in all activities related to the processing of the manuscript, such as the review process, copy editing, layout editing and proofing of manuscripts, which are all managed online.

Publication Procedure

2. Upon acceptance of a manuscript for publication by the Editor-in-Chief, the editorial staff will work towards preparing the manuscript for online publication. 

First Stage

3. The first stage involves language editing, after which the manuscript is returned to the corresponding author for review. This is the author’s final opportunity to make text changes to the manuscript and submit a revised version. 

Final Stage

4. At a final stage, the editorial staff will send the author one set of galley proofs, and the author will have 04 (four) working days to mark any typographical errors. It may not be possible to incorporate author corrections in the printed version of the manuscript if the author fails to respond to proofreading requests. Authors should visit their personalised homepage frequently to assess the location or stage of the manuscript.

Manuscripts Submission

5. Manuscripts may be submitted and considered for publication any time. Manuscripts would be accepted for consideration on the understanding that they are original contribution to the existing knowledge on development issues. Manuscript must not be previously published or under simultaneous consideration in other journals. All manuscripts (formatted in Microsoft Word) and correspondence should be sent by electronic mail to: crime3670@gmail.com and website crime3670.blogspot.com. Manuscripts may also be hand carried or mailed in duplicate (formatted in Microsoft Word) to the following address: The Editor In Chief of Crime and Justice, House @123/124, @Road 01, @Avenue 03, @Mirpur DOHS, @Mirpur, @Dhaka - 1216, Bangladesh. Authors whose manuscript has been accepted for publication will be asked to send a hard copy and an electronic file of the final version of the manuscript.


6. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that his or her works do not fringe any existing copyright. Furthermore, the author indemnifies the editors and publishers against any breach of such a warranty. Authors should obtain letters of permission to reproduce or adapt copyright material and enclose copies of these letters with final version of the accepted manuscript.

Review Policy and Procedure

Initial Screening

7. Manuscripts submitted for publication are sent to a member of the Editorial Board of 'Crime and Justice' for initial screening to determine the suitability of the paper for refereeing and to suggest names of at least two referees.

The period for initial screening is 1-2 weeks.


8. After the initial screening, the Executive Editor/ Editor in Chief forwards submitted paper to a referee/reviewer familiar with the subject. Acceptance or rejection depends on the comments of the referee and on extent of revision.

Period of refereeing ranges from 1 to 2 months.

9. Refereeing is done anonymously, i.e., name(s) is/are deleted when sent to referees, and referees’ identities are withheld from the author(s).


10. Referees comments/suggestions and observations are forwarded to author for revision.

Period for revision is 2 to 4 weeks.

11. In submitting revised manuscript, authors are requested to submit explanations on how the revisions were made and the reason why they do not agree with the reviewers for those points on which they have no revision. Revised paper is sent back to referee for examining the revised paper to determine whether the paper is revised properly and the paper is suitable for publication. If review is negative, comments/suggestions are forwarded to author and paper is not returned. In case of conflicting views/reviews, the decision and views of all or any one of the Editorial Board members are sought.


12. Once a paper is finally accepted without further comments by the referee(s) and the final revised paper is submitted to the Executive Editor/ Editor in Chief, the production work e.g. editing, layout, typesetting etc begins. Copies and/or edited copies of articles/papers are shown to authors for proofreading.

Guidelines in the Preparation of Manuscripts


13. Each manuscript should be typed double-spaced (except for footnotes and verbatim inset quotations) on one side of quarto sheets, and should carry a margin of an inch and a half on the left side of the typed page and of at least an inch on each of the remaining three sides. The average length of manuscript is 15-20 pages.

Title Page

14. Each copy of a manuscript should include a separate title page, which should be the first page of the manuscript. The first page of the manuscript should contain the title of the paper, the name(s) of author(s), current affiliation of the author(s), phone number, fax number, e-mail and any acknowledgements, disclaimers, special agreement concerning authorship, circumstances regarding the study. 


15. All manuscripts should include an abstract containing 200-250 words. 

Organisation of the Manuscript

16. Manuscripts should be org into the fol sec: (i) Intro, (ii) Hypotheses, (iii) Methodological Issues Involved, (iv) Results, (v) Limitations of Analysis, (vi) Policy Implications and (vii) Concl, Sub-sec should carry clear and distinct sub headings.

Book Review

17. Book reviews are also accepted. Book reviews must also be typed double space in 8.5x11 inches A4 size paper and should not exceed 2000 words. Each req for a book review in the journal must be accompanied by two copies of the book concerned, which should be submitted by elec mail to: crime3670@gmail.com and website crime3670.blogspot.com and/ or to the fol address: The Editor In Chief of Crime and Justice, House @123/124, @Road 01, @Avenue 03, @Mirpur DOHS, @Mirpur, @Dhaka - 1216, Bangladesh.

Complimentary Copy

18. Each author will receive two complimentary copies of The Crime and Justice Journal.

Comments on Published Articles

19. Those wishing to submit for publication of comments on a Journal article are asked first to send their observations to the author and to give him an opportunity to respond before communicating with the Executive Editor and/or Editor In Chief. If the editor accepts the comments for publication, he will send one copy to the original author and give him a chance to make a short reply in the same issue.

Spelling and Mathematical Notation

A. British rather than American spelling is preferred. 

B. Mathematics should be written on a single line. 


20. Footnotes to the text should be limited as much as possible and should be numbered consecutively. The corresponding reference numbers must be clearly indicated in the text. Footnotes to a table should be typed directly beneath the table and numbered with superscripts (e.g., 1, 2, 3). They should not be numbered in sequence with the footnotes in the text. If superscript numbers could be mistaken for exponents, substitute superscript (e.g., a, b, c). Endnotes are not recommended.


21. Tables should be embedded within the body of the document as close as possible to the first reference to the table. Tables should be numbered serially and cited in the text. The title of each table as well as the captions of its columns and rows should be clearly expressive of its contents. The source of the table should be typed directly above the table in a 10-point, normal, Times New Roman font.

Figures (Fig)

22. Fig, illustrations and graphs should be embedded within the body of the document as close as possible to the first reference to the figure, illustration or graph. Figures, illustrations or graphs should be about 10 x 10 cm in size, with a better resolution preferably in black and white. Fig should be sequentially no as fols: Fig 1. . . . , Fig 2. . . ., and a caption should be incl above the fig in a 10-point, normal, Times New Roman font. Abbr for all fig should be listed alphabetically.


23. Equations should be embedded within the body of the docu and should be sequentially no in round brackets at the end of the equation line, and where poss, indented. A single line space should be incl above and below the equation for clarity.

Illustrations (Fig)

24. As reproduction of illustrations is costly as well as time consuming, authors are discouraged to use of color among their illustrations. 


25. When preceded by a digit, the fol symbols are to be used: % for per cent; ° for degree.

Metric System

26. The metric system should be used for all measurements. Temperatures should be expressed in degrees Celsius (centigrade). Metric abbreviations should be expressed in standard notation lower-case (e.g., mm) without periods.

References (Ref) in Text

27. Refs in text are appended below:

A. All ref in the text should be cited by the last name of the author(s) fol by the year of the publication. All references cited in the text, tables or fig should appear in the ref list. 

B. If two or more publications by the same authors(s) in the same year are cited, these should be listed as..a, b.., and so on; for example, 3000a, 3000b.

C. If a work has two authors, always cite both names every time the work is refereed to in the text.

D. If a work has 2 to 4 authors, cite all authors the first time the ref occurs and in subsequent citations the names of the second, third and succeeding authors are designated as et al. in text. However, in the ref list, all names should be given.

E. Comma rather than semicolon is used to separate diff authors; for ex (Ayaam 1984, 1999, Pranto 1982, 1984). Use chronological as well as alphabetical order.

F. If a wk has two authors with the same last name, use first initials with the last names.

For ex: (L Huda 2001, N. Fuad 1998)

G. Page nos should be provided when specific arguments or findings of authors are summarized or directly quoted.

H. Pers comms should be listed as such where they are cited in the text and not listed in the ref.

Ref List

28. Ref List are appended below:

A. All ref should be listed in alphabetical order according to author’s last name or where there is no identifiable author, by the name of sponsoring body or org. Place initials before the last name (e.g. John, A). For two or more authors, after the first author’s name, give the names of the other authors by writing first the initials fol by the last name (e.g. Rahman, R.E., and Barkat, P.).

B. For successive ref by the same author or author team, use a 3-em dash in place of the author’s name. List them in chronological order, according to year of publication (earlier date first). Example: 

C. Do not use a 3-em dash when the co-author(s) in the succeeding references is (are) diff. Repeat the name(s) then arrange the ref in alphabetical order. Example:

D. Book and journal titles should be italicized; title of journal articles/papers, conference/workshop paper, working paper or docu should not be italicized but set in quotation mks. The first letter of each word of all book, journal, article, paper titles, report should be capital letter.

E. Electronic sources (databases, websites or pages, online journals, newsgroups, web or e-mail-based discussion gps and web or email newsletters) used as refs should also be listed. 

F. Articles not yet published should show forthcoming.

G. For a book with no editor, simply incl the word In before the book title.

H. If there is no date available for the docu, use n.d. Example: Rahman, P.n.d.

I. If there are more than six authors, list the first six and then et al. 


29. The author guidelines incl info about the types of articles/ paper received for pub and prep a manuscript for submission. Other relevant info about the journal's policies and the reviewing process can be found in note section. The compulsory cover letter form part of a submission and is on the first page of the manuscript. It should always be presented in English. After the cover letter, the manuscript body starts. Manuscripts dealing with protected areas, we suggest that manuscripts dealing specifically with biodiversity in protected areas be submitted by electronic mail to: crime3670@gmail.com and website crime3670.blogspot.com. Manuscripts may also be hand carried or mailed in duplicate (formatted in Microsoft Word) to the fol address: The Editor In Chief of Crime and Justice, House @123/124, @Road 01, @Avenue 03, @Mirpur DOHS, @Mirpur, @Dhaka - 1216, Bangladesh. 

Original Research Article

30. An original article provides an overview of innovative research in a particular field within or related to the focus and scope of the journal, presented according to a clear and well-structured format.

Review Articles

31. Review articles provide a comprehensive summary of research on a certain topic, and a perspective on the state of the field and where it is heading. These articles are often meta-analyses comparing and combining findings of previously published studies.

Nomenclatural Changes

32. Brief notes on nomenclatural changes where these do not incl new or revised taxon descriptions will be consolidated and published as a single short communication and referenced with all authors listed alphabetically, but each contributing author will be credited in the text with their specific section. Nomenclatural changes that form part of a larger taxonomic study that incl new findings or interpretations could be published as either a full research article or as a short communication.


33. Either natl or regional checklist that incl taxonomic info such as author citation, synonyms, type information. Checklists for local scale areas may be considered if these include analyses and interpretation of the diversity. In cases where the checklists incl more than 20 taxa, it may be nec to only publish the full list in the online version of the journal as an appendix.

News and Views

34. These are concise reports or opinion pieces on events, or on publications that have policy or decision-making impacts (eg. release of new legislation or regulations or national or regional assessments of species or ecosystems) or newsworthy happenings. News and views contributions will not be peer reviewed but will be checked by the Editor-in-Chief and will clearly indicate that they were not peer reviewed.

Cover Letter

35. The format of the compulsory cover letter forms part of your submission. It is located on the first page of your manuscript and should always be presented in English. You should provide the following elements:

Full Title

36. Specific, descriptive, concise, and comprehensible to readers outside the field, max 200 characters.

Full Author Details

37. The title(s), full name(s), position(s), affiliation(s) and contact details (postal address, email, tel, highest academic degree, cell phone number of each author.

Corresponding Author

38. Identify to whom all correspondence should be addressed.

Authors’ Contributions

39. Briefly summarise the nature of the contribution made by each of the authors listed.


40. A statement that the views expressed in the submitted article are his or her own and not an official position of the institution or funder.

Source(s) of Support

41. These incl grants, eqpt, drugs, and/or other support that facilitated conduct of the work described in the article or the writing of the article itself.


42. Lastly, a list containing the number of words, pages, tables, figures and/or other supplementary material should accompany the submission. Anyone that has made a significant contribution to the research and the paper must be listed as an author in your cover letter. Contributions that fall short of meeting the criteria as stipulated in our policy should rather be mentioned in the ‘Acknowledgements’ section of the manuscript.


Md Lutful Huda

Md Lutful Huda

Editor In Chief

Crime and Justice Journal

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